Friday, August 8, 2014

Florentine by Gorham

Gorham introduced  its Florentine pattern in 1901. It was designed by William C. Codman. Codman designed many of Gorham's  patterns including Etruscan, Fleury, TuileriesAlbemarle,  New Queens, and Imperial Chrysanthemum. The design in this pattern is elaborate and full of many details. I think it is it his  finest work. 

Fish Fork (7 1/8 inches)

Flat Handled Butter Spreader ( 6 1/8 inches)

Ice Serving Spoon (9 inches)

Solid Vegetable Serving Spoon (9 1/2 inches)

Wednesday, August 6, 2014

Demitasse Spoon (Part 2)

I always forget how small Demitasse Spoons are until I compare them to a standard teaspoon. Here are some more examples of Demitasse Spoons. I have posted on these earlier.

Bridal Rose by Alvin (4 1/8 inches)

Nuremburg by Alvin (4 1/8 inches)

King Edward by Whiting (4 inches)

WDS-10 by Whiting (4 1/8 inches)

Monday, August 4, 2014

Cordova by Towle

Towle introduced their Cordova pattern in 1902. It is a fairly modest design of a beaded edge with the terminal tipped with a fan that is knotted in a unique fashion. However, the beauty in the design is the exquisite fret work in the tines of the forks and serving pieces.

Salad Fork (5 3/4 inches)

Large Sardine Serving Fork (4 3/4 inches)

Cucumber Server (6 1/8 inches)

Flat Handle Butter Spreader (6 inches)

Flat Handle Butter Spreader