Friday, September 29, 2017

Sheath of Wheat by Durgin

An old pattern dating back to 1887, Durgin's Sheaf of Wheat  was formerly known as "Tip of Sheaf".

Cream Soup Spoon (5 7/8 inches)

Individual Fish Knife (8 1/4 inches)

Salad Fork (7 1/4 inches)

Wednesday, September 27, 2017

Orange Blossom New and Old Orange Blossom by Alvin

I found this fascinating. There are often popular names used in sterling flatware patterns. Different companies will release patterns with the same name, each being unique. For example there are 5 patterns named "Rose" alone. And over 200 with the word "Rose" in the name. Each being distinct from the others. There are 6 different patterns named "Orange Blossom" alone with totally different designs.

There also some patterns, companies have introduced twice, with different manufacturing markings, but the design itself it the same or the difference so minuscule, the common eye cannot tell the difference.  

Orange Blossom by Alvin is unique in that the "Old Orange Blossom" was introduced in 1905. Then in 1920, "Orange Blossom New" was introduced. However the patterns are entirely different. 

Old Orange Blossom (1905) (Knife 9 3/4 inches)

Orange Blossom New (1920)  (Knife 9 3/4 inches)

Monday, September 25, 2017

Navarre by Durgin

Durgin's Navarre pattern goes back to 1909. This a very popular name among silversmiths. Lunt's Navarre dates back to1893.    Watson's Navarre dates back to 1908. I have also seen reference to a Navarre pattern by Towle, but cannot find anything else about it.

Fork (7 3/4 inches)

Bouillon Soup Spoon (5 3/8 inches)

Oyster Fork (5 1/2 inches)