Friday, January 4, 2019

Bessie by Wallace

Wallace's Bessie pattern dates back to 1894.

Demitasse Spoon (3 7/8 inches)

Luncheon Fork (7 inches)

Teaspoon (5 7/8 inches)

Wednesday, January 2, 2019

WSC4 by Webster

Webster's WSC4 pattern dates back to 1910. I often find that a company's more interesting patterns do not have descriptive names, but just a number. This is a prime example.

Lemon Fork (5 inches)

Solid Petite Server (5 1/8 inches)

One Tine Butter Pick (6 inches)

Monday, December 31, 2018

Wild Rose by Paye and Baker

A bit different from Watson's Wild Rose, Paye and Baker's Wild Rose is still a pattern with a defined design.

Youth Fork (5 1/2 inches)

Five O'Clock Spoon (5 1/8 inches)