In addition to all your serving spoons, there are spoons used by your individual guests. Such as the Five O'clock Spoon, smaller than teaspoon, used for gatherings before dinner or afternoon tea, the After Dinner Spoon, the Demitasse Spoon, smaller than teaspoon for strong coffee, the Salt Spoon, (2-3 inches long) used in addition to the 5 piece place setting and used with salt dip, the Citrus Spoon aka Fruit/Orange Spoon, (the bowl of which is "lightly gilt" to keep the citric acid from tarnishing the silver) used in addition to the 5 piece place setting when citrus fruit, such as grapefruit or oranges are being served, and the Berry Spoon, used in addition to the 5 piece place setting when berries are served,
(A Demitasse Spoon shown in Radiant by Whiting 3 7/8 inches)
(Five O'clock Spoon shown in Frontenac by International Knights Head) (5 1/2 inches)
(Citrus Spoon shown in Hyperion by Whiting Approx 5 3/8 inches)