Charles F. Simms designed Martha Hilton for Watson and it was introduced in 1914. For those who do not know the namesake of the pattern, she was the infamous maid who at 23 married the elder Governor Wentworth of New Hampshire in 1760. After 10 years of marriage Governor Wentworth died leaving his nephew as Governor and the bulk of his wealthy estate to his wife. The nephew challenged the will and lost. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow immortalized the story in 1863 with his poem Lady Wentworth. All this will get one a sterling pattern named for you.
The design has the lines of an old pattern with a rather plain stem with a simple double line around the stem and terminal. The terminal has a flat end with a simple motif. There is a coordinating motif on the stem.
Fork (7 3/8 inches)
Knife (9 3/4 inches)