The Story Behind this Blog

Being from the South, Silver is a very big part of my life. It doesn't have anything to do with wealth. Although those with more money - old money, tend to have more of it. New money tend not to spend their money on Silver. They do not have the appreciation for the warmth of the metal, the beauty of the patina, the story it tells of the generations past who have used it. A true southern girl comes of age when she chooses her silver pattern, long before she chooses her mate. If she is smart, she chooses that of her mother, grandmother, or favorite great aunt who in their benevolence will pass their silver on to her. It is the pieces in those sets, the pieces on our tables, along with the pieces we find in the corners of the displays in antique stores that prompted me to start this blog. They are beautiful, they are odd, but what are they, and what in the hell do you do with them?

Friday, December 3, 2010

Strawberry Forks - Three Tines

Earlier, I did a post on two tine Strawberry Forks.  Here is the three tine variety. The three tine tend to be longer, from 4 3/4 to 5 1/4 inches. The tines are still long and slender but don't have the same elegant illusion as the two tine variety but are still a beautiful piece. Note the pattern Versailles offers a fork with both two and three tines.

Carnation by Wallace (4 5/8 inches)

Irian by Wallace (4 3/4 inches)

Clune by Gorham (4 5/8 inches)

Old King by Whiting  ( 5 1/4 inches)

Crystal by Frank Smith (4 3/4 inches)

Princess by Towle (4  3/4 inches)


  1. The three pronged strawberry fork called Versailles by Gorham is not Versailles which has a more delicate handle up to the tines. I have both the 2-pronged and the 3-ptonged strawberry forks in Gorham Versailles. Sadly, I do not know what pattern the one shown as Gorham Versailles is.

    1. No, that is not Versailles and appreciate your catching that mistake. Looking at it, I can clearly tell you the piece is labeled incorrectly. My only excuse (and it is a poor one) is that this post was early in my education about sterling flatware patterns. Now I know enough to know how ignorant I am and how much there is to learn. Thank you so much for pointing out the error and for taking time to read the blog.
